When an iHook task failed to complete, you may find some error information in execution history and the failure email notification. Here is a list of errors and their possible root causes:
Exception | Error message | Description |
ConnectException | Connection refused | This could happen when you are connecting to the wrong host and port, or the target server is not actively listening for connections. This could also happen when the remote side configured a firewall that blocks iHook's agents from connecting. If you have access to the firewall configuration, you may want to add iHook agent IPs to your trust list: , . |
InvalidPathException | Invalid JSON property path | The JSON property path that is specified in your notification condition is invalid, you need to fix or delete the problematic notification condition for your task to complete. See here for more information about JSON path. |
ResponseTooLargeException | Response body too large | The response body of the HTTP request exceeds iHook's 2MB limit. To increase the limit, please contact our support team via email at [email protected] to upgrade to a proper plan for your use case. |
SocketTimeoutException | Read timed out | This could happen when the server fails to respond to the iHook agent before the agent timed out. iHook agents are configured with a 15 seconds read timeout. This could also happen when the remote side configured a firewall that blocks iHook's agents from connecting. If you have access to the firewall configuration, you may want to add iHook agent IPs to your trust list: , . |
SSLException | This could happen when the remote server certificate is not trusted by iHook agents. You may try to work around this by enabling the advanced HTTP setting - Allow insecure certificate. | |
UnknownHostException | This error is thrown when the IP address of a host could not be determined. Please make sure the task URL is correct. | |
NotificationDeliveryException | Task notification delivery failed. |